Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

2013 is going to be a great year - why, you ask?  Because I want it to be, and BF and I are going to make it great!  We have a lot of plans for the year, including BF finishing his degree, paying off a student loan, taking our fat puppy for Saturday morning walks at the park, and trying new recipes from our cookbooks.

I decided not to make any formal resolutions for 2013.  I always had the best intentions in the past, but was never successful.  So, this year there is no pressure.  It is going to be a great year with no disappointment come the end of December.

I know it is probably said about every year, but it really did feel like 2012 flew by.  We were so busy most of the year with BF and me taking classes, travelling for holidays and birthdays, and projects around the house.  I think we made the most of the year all together.

Oh and speaking of that fat puppy, here she is.  I love the Blinky monster!

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