Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No Spend February - Follow Up

At the end of January, BF and I challenged ourselves to make February a no spend month.  BF really stuck to the plan when it came to buying stuff. (I just hope he has forgotten about half of the things he said he would get this month though!) Our biggest accomplishment was not dining out as often. In January we spent $170 going out to eat, and in February we got it down to $100. We also did good on groceries by staying really close to the budgeted amount for the month.

Although we didn't save up $500 like I was hoping, I still think the month was a success. The experiment was good for our budget and we learned that we really didn't need some of the things that would have normally turned into impulse purchases.

Success  :)
Dining Out = $100
Groceries = $500

Unexpected :|
Toll Tag = $80
Vet = $216

Fail  :(
E-Cigarette = $60
Post Office = $16
Cupcakes = $8
BF Miscellaneous = $129

Poor Frank hurt herself and had to go to the vet. The $216 was very unexpected, but we love the furry monster and she is worth it. I think she is on more medicine right now than an old lady - hence her new nickname from BF, "Grandma Puppy". 

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